Inner Circle Explorer
Life is full of challenges. It’s easy to become overwhelmed. Learn the amazing tools that help you unlock many doors along your NEXTjourney.
Marlise Karlin’s quest to discover solutions for stress, healthy living and empowerment stems from personal trauma, as a teen runaway with substance abuse and stress-related chronic illness.
What she uncovered through years of research transformed her life. She discovered her SUPERpower and how to unlock it! This sparked a passion to share this dynamic process and help others unlock their SUPERpower:
Endorsed by Doctors, Scientists
... and People like You
“It was like being able to breathe again. Each new awareness was like a lens to see the world where problems became adventures to be dealt with in new ways.”
Wade Davis, Ph.D. EthnobotanistSamuel Johnson award-winning author of Into the Silence 
"SOS has seamlessly interwoven electronic technology to create audio tapestries that exist in a class by themselves."
Dr. Elliott MaynardPh.D. Marine Sciences, Author, Brave New Mind, Advisory Board, Research & Integrity Institute 
I was feeling exhausted and anxious as we have an immense amount on our plates right now. After the meditation, I felt that I was floating above it all. It has given me great strength and has left me tranquil, and very calm.”
Beverly JoubertAward-winning Filmmaker, Nat Geo Explorer, Great Plains Conservation 
“SOS meditations are enjoyable, calming, and only take 5 minutes! It's great for all people to find stress relief in their lives as this has significant health benefits.”
Dr. Monica LingSpinal Medicine Specialist,Prince of Wales Hospital

"SOS is the only method I’ve come across with scientifically based audio tracks that shift you into an actual state of stillness and peace."
Dr. Sue JamiesonHarvard, Award-winningScottish physician

"When I listen to SOS meditations, I’m cocooned in a wonderful, loving feeling and immediately relax. The more frequently I listen, the longer the peaceful feeling remains."
Dr. Irene ConlanFormer Assistant Director at the Arizona Department of Health Services